Your expert for every step of the process. From collection to processing, The circular economy for plastics is complex and multifaceted, with every step presenting its own challenges and obstacles. With our modular solutions, we support every stakeholder in this chain in an individual way. Whether you’re a collector, converter or processor, HydroDyn has a tailored solution for you.

Your expert for every step of the process. From collection to processing, The circular economy for plastics is complex and multifaceted, with every step presenting its own challenges and obstacles. With our modular solutions, we support every stakeholder in this chain in an individual way. Whether you’re a collector, converter or processor, HydroDyn has a tailored solution for you.

Sorting plants and waste management
Sorting plants play a key role in determining the fate of plastic waste. Any problems that occur during sorting need to be resolved later in the value chain.
Plastic waste streams are often mixed and contaminated, requiring a complex, expensive separation process. Only a few plastic streams are profitable to sort at present, while most must be disposed of at cost.
The advanced HydroDyn technology enables efficient pre-cleaning on site, including for plastic streams that were previously often incinerated or landfilled, such as PE films.
By using HydroDyn technology, sorting plants can achieve higher margins on their plastic streams, including for those with negative margins at present.

Collection systems for household waste
Collection systems for household waste must ensure that the plastic waste collected throughout the entire value chain has a high value. This ensures that the recycling of household waste is economically profitable.
Collection systems face the challenge of fully utilising their waste, even as the demand for alternative fuels is declining.
Thanks to the advanced HydroCleaner technology, alternative fuels can be processed in such a way that they can be reused in mechanical recycling instead of being incinerated.
Higher added value for the collected plastics enables more cost-effective collection systems and improves the sustainability of the entire waste management sector.

Sector collection systems for post-consumer waste
Typically, sector collection systems collect almost properly sorted but frequently contaminated materials so that the plastics can be reused for their original purpose.
With conventional recycling technologies, it is difficult to recycle the material back to its original purpose at a high quality.
Our advanced HydroCleaner technology enables us to achieve unrivalled levels of purity in the recyclate, even in the case of heavily contaminated waste such as agricultural film.
HydroDyn enables true circularity for operators of sector-specific collection systems by ensuring high-quality recycling of the collected material and thus playing a part in closing the loop.

Recycling for retail and supermarkets
In the retail sector, there is valuable film waste to be collected, primarily consisting of LD-PE and LLD-PE plastics used in the logistics chains.
These plastic waste streams often contain adhesive labels and are typically a mixture of LD-PE and LLD-PE, which makes recycling processes more difficult.
HydroDyn has developed recycling systems specially designed for these material flows. These systems make it possible to process the materials in such a way that they can be reused for their original purpose.
Our solutions enable the entire retail logistics sector to achieve greater sustainability in its business models and actively contribute to reducing plastic waste.

Recycling for industry and trade
The recycling of industrial waste was one of the first forms of plastics recycling to be successfully introduced. This was possible because the raw materials were often extremely pure and well sorted.
However, the mechanical recycling of printed films remains a challenge and is often inadequately addressed.
Our advanced deinking technologies also enable us to successfully return printed and metallised films to the plastics cycle. This allows us to offer an effective solution for recycling printed materials.
HydroDyn supports film converters in the recycling of printed production waste, thus helping to reduce disposal costs and promote the circular economy.

Mechanical recycling
Mechanical recycling remains the most cost-effective form of recycling and is therefore still often preferred.
However, mechanical recycling processes are currently at their limit in terms of the purity of the recyclate, especially when the material is heavily contaminated.
Thanks to advanced washing and sorting technologies, HydroDyn can produce high-purity recycled material, even from heavily contaminated source material. This leads to a significant increase in recycling quality.
HydroDyn gives mechanical recycling businesses access to waste streams that currently need to be landfilled or incinerated. This not only improves the cost-effectiveness of the recycling process, but also makes a significant contribution to the circular economy.

Chemical recycling
Chemical recycling processes are a valuable addition to mechanical recycling, especially when the quality of the source material is inadequate for mechanical recycling.
Despite numerous advances in chemical recycling, these technologies are also at their limit when it comes to the processing of heavily contaminated material.
HydroDyn washing technology provides a cost-effective, reliable solution to ensure optimal preparation of heavily contaminated material for chemical recycling. Our advanced process pretreats the material effectively, facilitating the implementation of chemical recycling processes.
Our HydroCleaner technology is central to many aspects of chemical recycling, which would not be possible without it. Our solutions enable chemical recyclers to obtain high-quality results and recover valuable materials. This contributes to more sustainable and more efficient waste management.

Recycling for polymer manufacturers and compounders
Polymer manufacturers and compounders are showing a growing interest in plastics recycling because their customers are increasingly looking for recycled materials or compounds with similar properties to virgin material.
Polymer and compound manufacturers need high-quality recycled material in order to meet increasing customer requirements. These requirements often cannot be met through conventional mechanical recycling processes.
HydroCleaner technology provides the cleanest recyclate on the market and raises recycling quality to an unprecedented level. Our CPOS software also provides the necessary data to define and certify the specific properties of the recycled material.
HydroDyn technologies enable polymer manufacturers and compounders to convert plastic waste with different properties into recyclate with precisely defined, certified properties. This helps them to improve the sustainability of their products and meet the growing demands of their customers.

Consultancy for general contractors in plant construction
Turnkey plant manufacturers are taking on an increasingly important role in the planning and implementation of recycling systems. Nevertheless, they often lack a detailed understanding of recycling processes.
Plant engineers need to understand the intricacies of recycling processes in order to deliver customised plant layouts for a wide range of waste streams.
HydroDyn offers its partners in-depth expertise based on experience gained from numerous completed turnkey projects. We fully understand the individual requirements and challenges of plant manufacturers and offer solutions perfectly tailored to their needs.
Our partnership allows plant manufacturers to focus on their core business, while HydroDyn provides the requisite expertise in recycling processes. The result is efficient, successful solutions that meet customers’ requirements.